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Projects filed under: ARCHITECTURE

Urban Proposal for Yavirac Area Regeneration in Quito, Ecuador....

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Private Residence on the shores of the estuary of Chone River, in the city of Bahía de Caráquez, Ecuador....
Built in Guayaquil, Ecuador, for the Pro-Forest Foundation, located in the foothills of Cerro Blanco Protected Forest. The material used for both the structure, mezzanine, partitions and carpentry is the......

Client name

Fundación ProBosque


Bambú. Tecnologías Alternativas, Energía Renovable, Áreas Protegidas
Diseño y dirección técnico – arquitectónica del proyecto para la oficina matriz de la empresa  HOLCIM Ecuador, en Guayaquil. Actualmente es el consulado de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica en......

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Cubiertas y antepechos ajardinados para control climático. hormigones pigmentados.
Holiday family house in Olón, Province of Santa Elena. The unevenness of the terrain that descends from the hill inland towards the west sea provides the opportunity to implant the......

Client name

Sr. Julio DeBlas


Vivienda en la playa, casa de patio, estructura portante de ladrillo y cubiertas de madera.
Having a narrow land profile gives this house the need of getting its light from the innner part of the site.  This is solved by having the living, dining room and kitchen......

Client name

Romero Herdoiza Family